Q: How quickly can MAX be installed?
A: Over 1,000 sq. ft. can be installed in just 10 minutes.
Q: Can MAX really support over 80,000 psf?
A: YES, MAX has been lab and field tested to verify its ability to support over 80,000 psf.
Q: Do you need any special tools or heavy equipment to install MAX?
A: MAX’s unique puzzle piece design allows it to be quickly laid into place and the special fastener can be easily snapped in using your hand or foot.
Q: Is MAX easily reconfigured once it is installed?
A: Yes, it can easily be picked up, moved and reinstalled.
Q: Is MAX slippery when wet?
A: MAX is specially molded with a traction pattern that increases traction for workers and vehicles.
Q: Are PORTAFLOOR products termite proof?
A: Yes, our products are made of polypropylene and polypropylene is termite proof.
Q: Are there quick ship quantities available for shipment?
A: Yes, PORTAFLOOR keeps a high level of MAX inventory in stock and ready to ship.
Q: How does MAX do on Sand?
A: It was designed for installation on multiple surfaces including sand.
Q: Is PORTAGUARD only used with MAX?
A: No, it is an environmental barrier approved by the US Army Corp. of Engineers. It can be used under any PORTAFLOOR products or by itself as needed.
Q: Are PORTAFLOOR products resistant to Jet Fuel (jP-8) and other chemicals?
A: Yes, it passes astm tests D543-06 & D1308.
Q: How does PORTAFLOOR MAX handle slag drop?
A: Sparks will BB and roll off, but larger slag will damage MAX. We recommend using a fiberglass welding matt to protect the surface.
Q: What is the best way to remove snow from PORTAFLOOR products?
A: Snow removal brushes are recommended.
Q: Are PRO and MAX approved for use in mess halls or kitchen areas?
A: Polypropylene is a no-porous, non-reactive material suitable for food preparation areas, if FDA approved materials are required they may be rolled over MAX.